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Painting an Autumn Leaf

Paint with me while I teach you how to paint Fall leaves using my painting techniques. In this tutorial I teach you step-by-step how to paint three different leaves. I also include a collection of hand picked leaf reference pictures from New Jersey to inspire you to continue painting while applying what you learned!

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Let's paint the Moon!

In this tutoriaI you will paint an amazing moon using my painting techniques. I teach you step-by-step how to get those out-of-this-world effects. I also include a moon template to use once and again to practice on your own while applying what you learned!

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A Winter Landscape to remember

Let’s paint a beautiful winter landscape to remember using my painting techniques. I teach you step-by-step how to get those out-of-this-world effects. I will also teach you how to play with your horizon line, so you can practice on your own while applying what you learned!

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